Friday, October 22, 2010

Animal Abuse Incidence: Males

Incidence of Reported Prior Animal Abuse in Groups of Males Only

Identified as Violent AB TOT PER
Ascione, 1998 Abussive spouse 20 28 71%
Simons et al, 2008 Rapists 94 138 68%
Kellert et al 1985 Held in three federal penitentiaries 60 107 56%
Merz-Perez et al 2004 violent offenders 25 45 56%
Carlisle Frank et al 2004 Abussive spouse ? ? 53%
Tingle et al 1986 Psychiatric admissions/rapists 10 21 48%
Burgess et al 1986 sexual homicide 17 36 47%
McIntosh, 2004 Abusive domestic partner 31 66 47%
Ressler 1988 Inmates convicts of sexual homicide 26 56 46%
Verlinden et al 2000 School shooters 5 11 45%
Simons et al, 2008 Child abusers 60 137 44%
Beaseley 2004 serial murderers 3 7 43%
Myers, Burgess & Nelson 1998 adolescent sexual homicide perpetrators 4 14 29%
Tingle et al 1986 Psychiatric admissions/child molesters 12 43 28%
Pagani et al 2007 9-18 year old youths 107 397 27%
Salter et al 2003 Sexual abuse victims who later abused 6 26 23%
Santtila et al, 1997 offenders 6 26 23%
Felthous 1979 Violent psychiatric patients/enlisted 17 74 23%
Beyer et al 2003 Child abduction homicide 5 25 20%
Wright et al, 2003 Serial murderers 75 354 21%
583 1611 36%

Normative/Control AB TOT PER
Kellert et al 1985 Adults 36 50 72%
Baldry 2003 9-17 year old students 344 734 47%
Baldry 2005 9-12 year old students 118 258 46%
Flynn 2002 Undergraduates 27 94 29%
Henry, 2004 Undergraduates 21 77 27%
Flynn 1999 Undergraduates 29 182 16%
Gray 2003 Undergraduates 6 50 12%
Felthous 1979 Non-violent psychiatric patients/enlisted 7 75 9%
Salter et al 2003 Sexual abuse victims 4 80 5%
Felthous 1979 Non-psychiatric patients/enlisted 1 26 4%
593 1626 36%

Identified as Generally Deviant
Henderson 2011 Inmates 103 180 57%
743 2219 33%

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