Complete List A-Z (124)

  • Adams, C.J. Bringing peace home: a feminist philosophical perspective on the abuse of women, children and pet animals. Hypatia, 9, 63-84. [abstract]
  • Adams, C.J., Donovan, J. (1995). Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations. Duke University Press, Durham, NC (specifically pgs. 55-84) [Amazon]
  • Albert, B (2010). Experts say animal abuse can be a warning sign. Milford-Orange Bulletin, July 28.
  • Anonymous. (2001). Animal abuse and violent offending. Juvenile Justice Bulletin, September.
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  • Arkow, P. (1992). The correlations between cruelty to animals and child abuse and the implications for veterinary medicine. Canadian Veterinary Journal 33, 518-521.
  • Arkow, P. (2003). The veterinarian's roles in preventing family violence: the experience of the human medical profession. Protecting Children 19(1), 4-12.
  • Arkow P & Munro H. (2008). The veterinary profession's roles in recognizing and preventing family violence: the experiences of the human medicine field and the development of diagnostic indicators of non-accidental injury. In: Frank R. Ascione, Ed.: The International Handbook of Animal Abuse and Cruelty: Theory, Research and Application. West Layfayette: Pudue Univerity Press. Pp 31-58.
  • Arluke A, Levin J, Luke C &Ascione F. (1999). The relationship of animal abuse to violence and other forms of antisocial behavior. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 14, 963-975. [abstract]
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  • Ascione, F.R. (1998). Battered women's reports of their partners' and their childrens cruelty to animals. Journal of Emotional Abuse 1, 119-133.
  • Ascione, F. R. (1994). Children who are cruel to animals: A review of research and implications for developmental psychopathology. Anthrozoos, 6(4), 226-247
  • Ascione, F.R. (2001). Animal abuse and youth violence. Office of Juvenile justice and Delinquency Prevention.
  • Ascione, F. , Arkow P. [eds]. Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse: Linking the Circles of Compassion for Prevention and Intervention. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press, 1999.*
  • Ascione, F.R., Weber, C.V., Wood, D.S. (1997). The abuse of animals and domestic violence: a national survey of shelters for women who are battered. Society and Animals, 5, 205-218. [abstract] [synopsis] see also: Ascione, F.R., Weber, C.V., Wood, D.S. (1997). Final report on the project entitled: animal welfaere and domestic violences, submitted to the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.
  • Ascione, F.R., Weber, C.V., Thompson, T.M. Heath, J., Maruyama m., Hayashi K (2007). Battered pets and domestic violence: animal abuise reported by women experiencing intimate violence and nonabused women. Violence Against Women, 13, 354-373
  • Ashworth, L. (2009). "The link" the devil is back. The Latham Letter, 30, 15-17. [pdf]
  • Baldry, A.C. (2003). Animal abuse and exposure to interparental violence in Italian youth. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18, 258-281
  • Baldry, A.C. (2005). Animal abuse among preadolescents directly and indirectly victimized at school and home. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 15, 97-109. [abstract]
  • Beckoff, M. (2009). Increasing our compassion footprint: It's simple tp make changes to accrue compassion credits. Human Ecology Review, 16, 50-51. 
  • Bell, L. (2001). Abusing children -- abusing animals. Journal of Social Work, 1, 223-234.
  • Bensel, R W. (1986). The importance of animals and children: their place in the family and in the world. Anthrozoos,  1, 137-139.
  • Beasley, J.O. (2004). Serial murder in America: case studies of seven offenders. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 22, 395-414.
  • Beirne P. (2003). From animal abuse to interhuman violence? a critical review of the progression thesis. Society and Animals 12.
  • Brennan, S. (2009). Animals as disregarded pawns in family violence: exclusionary practices of feminist based refuge policies. Electronic Journal of Sociology, 2007, 1-9.
  • Brooke, S. (2007). Animal cruelty films on YouTube. The Sunday Times, August 19.
  • Campbell, A. (2002). The Admissibility of Evidence of Animal Abuse in Criminal Trials for Child and Domestic Abuse. Boston College Law Review, 43, 463-486.
  • Carlisle-Frank, P., Frank, J.M. & Nielsen, L. (2004). Selective battering of the family pet. Anthrozoos 17, 26-41.
  • Cazaux, G. (1999). Beauty and the beast: animal abuse from a non-speciesist criminological perspective. Crime, Law & Social Change, 31, 105-126.
  • Cazaux , G. (2000). Book Review: Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse: Linking the Circles of Compassion for Prevention and Intervention. Society and Animals 8.
  • Chui, T. (2008). Pet abusers 'killers in the making'. The Hong Kong Standard, April 14.
  • Cooper, J. (2007). Caging the beast within. The Times (London), September 25, 1.
  • Corbella, L. (2007). Animal rights laws need big bite. The Toronto Sun, May 19, 16.
  • Costello K, Hodson G. (2009) Exploring the roots of dehumanisation: the role of animal-human similarity in promoting immigrant humanization. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 13, 3-22.
  • Currie, C.L. (2006) Animal cruelty by children exposed to domestic violence. Child Abuse & Neglect 30, 425-435.
  • DeGue, S. & DiLillo D. (2009). Is animal cruelty a "red flag" for family violence? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 24, 1036-1056. 
  • DeViney, E., Dickert, J. & Lockwood R. (1983). The care of pets within child abusing families. Onternational Journal for the Study of Animal Problems 4, 321-329.
  • Dube, R. (2008). Poisoning affects all, not just dog lovers. The Globe and Mail (Canada), July 1, L2.
  • Duncan, A. & Miller, C. The impact of an abusive family context on childhood animal cruelty and adult violence. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 7, 365-383. [abstract]
  • Espiner, C. (2007). Smacking Trigger to animal abuse. The Press (New Zealand), April 20, 1.
  • Felthous A.R. & Hellert, S.R. (1987) Childhood cruelty to animals and later aggression against people: a review. American Journal of Psychiatry, 144, 710-717.
  • Felthous, A.R. & Yudowitz, B. (1977). Approaching a comparative typology of assaultive female offenders. Psychiatry 40, 270-276.
  • Flynn, C.P. (1999). Exploring the link between corporal punishment and children’s cruelty to animals. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 971-981. [abstract]
  • Flynn, C.P. (2001). Commentary: acknowledging the "zoological connection": a sociological analyis of animal cruelty. Society and Animals 9, 71-87. [pdf]Felthous, A.R. (1979). Childhood antecedents of aggressive behaviors in male psychiatric patients. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, 8, 104-110.
  • Flynn, C.P. (2002). Hunting and illegal violence against humans and other animals: exploring the relationship. Society and Animals, 10, 137-154.
  • Frasch, P.D. (2000). Addressing animal abuse: the complementary roles of religion, secular ethics, and the law. Society and Animals, 8, 331-348.
  • Gaertner, S. (2007) The link between animal abuse and a culture of violence. 42nd Annual Criminal Justice Institute, August 27.
  • Gallagher, B., Allen, M. and Jones, B. (2008). Animal abuse and intimate partner violence: Researching the link and its significance in Ireland – a veterinary perspective. Irish Veterinary Journal 61, 658-667. [pdf]
  • Giannet, S.M. (2003). The human-animal divide: interdisciplinary ethical reflections. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology  24, 9-13. [abstract].
  • Gleyzer, R., Flethous, A.R. & Holzer, C.E. (2002) Animal cruelty and psychiatric disorders. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, 30, 257-265.
  • Goodney Lea, S.R. (2007). Delinquency and Animal Cruelty: Myths and Realities about Social Pathology. LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC.
  • Gordon, M.S., Kinlock, T.W. & Battjes D.S.W. (2004). Correlates of early substance use and crime among adolescents entering outpatient substance abuse treatment. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 30, 39-59. [abstract]
  • Grandin, T. (1988). Behavior of slaughter plant and auction employees toward the animals. Anthrozoos 1, 205-213.
  • Gray, N.S., Watt, A., Hassan, S. & Macculloch, M.J. (2003). Behavioral indicators of sadistic sexual  murder predict the presence of sadistic sexual fantasy in a normative sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18, 1018-1034.
  • Green, G.S. (2002). The other criminalities of animal-freeze-killers: support for a generality of deviance. Society and Animals, 10, 5-30.
  • Green, P.C., Gullone, E. (2005). Knowledge and attitudes of Australian veterinarians to animal abuse and human interpersonal violence. Australian Veterinary Journal, 83, 619-624. [abstract]
  • Gullone E. & Robertson N. (2008). The relationship between bullying and animal abuse behaviors in adolescents: the importance of witnessing animal abuse. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 29, 371-379. [abstract]
  • Gullone E , Volant A, Johnson J. (2003). The Co-Occurrence of Family Violence and Animal Abuse: A Comparison of Violent and Non-Violent Families. Paper presented at the 8th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, 12-14 February. [pdf]
  • Hackett, S. (2007). Animal Abuse and Child Maltreatment: a Review of the Literature and Findings from a UK Study. [pdf]
  • Heath, G.A., Hardesty, V.A. & Goldfine, P.E. (1984). Firesetting, enuresis, and animal cruelty. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy 1, 97-100.
  • Henderson, B.B., Hensley, C., Tallichet, S.E. (2011). Childhood animal cruelty methods and their link to adult interpersonal violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26, 2211-2227. 
  • Henry, B.C. (2004). The relationship between animal cruelty, delinquency, and attitudes toward the treatment of animals. Society and Animals, 122, 185-207.
  • Hensley, C., Tallichet, S.E., Dutkiewics, E.L. (2009). recurrent childhood animal cruelty: is there a relationship to adult recurrent interpersonal violence? Criminal Justice Review 34, 248-257.
  • Hensley, C., Tallichet, S.E., Dutkiewics, E.L. (2010). Childhood bestiality a potential precusor to adult interpersonal violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25, 557-567.
  • Hensley, C., Tallichet, S.E., Singer, S.D. (2006). Exploring the possible link between childhoos and adolescent bestiality and interpersonal violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21, 910-923.
  • Hellman, D.S. & Blackman, N. (1966). Enuresis, firesetting and cruelty to animals: a triad predictive of adult crime. Adolescence, 36, 461-466.
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  • Hutton. J.S. (1983). Animal abuse as a diagnostic approach in social work: a pilot study. In New Perspectives on Our lives with Companions Animals. Philidelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Aaron Katcher & Alan Beck [eds]
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  • Khan, R. & Cook, D.J. (2008). Risk factors for sever inter-sibling violence: a preliminary stud of a youth forensic sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 1513-1530.
  • Kellert, S.R. & Felthous, A.R. (1985). Childhood cruelty toward animals among criminals and noncriminals. Human Relations, 38, 1113-1129.
  • Kogan LR, McConnell S, Schoenfeld-Tacher R, Jansen-Lock P. (2004). A unique foster program to provide safety for pets of women in safehouses. Violence Against Women, 10, 418-434.
  • Panahi, R. (2008). Jail is a must for heinous cruelty. The Courier Mail (Australia), Agust 25, 26.
  • Langevin, R., Paitich, D., Orchard, B., Handy, L. & Russon, A. (1983). Childhood and family background of killers seen for psychiatric assessment: a controlled study. The Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 11, 331-341.
  • Larson, R. (1998). Animal cruelty may be a warning. The Washington Times, June 23, 7.
  • Lewis, D., Shanok, S.S., Grant, M. & Ritvo, E. (1983). Homicidally aggressive young children: neuropsychiatric and experiential correlates. American Journal Psychiatry, 140, 148-153.
  • Loar, L. & White, K. (1992). Connections drawn between child and animal victims of violence. The Latham Letter, Summer 1992.
  • Lockwood R. & Ascione, F.R.(1998), Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal Violence. Purdue University Press: West Layfayette, Indiana.
  • Long DD, Long JH, Kulkarni SJ. (2007). Interpersonal violence and animals: mandated cross-sector reporting. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 34, 147-164. [abstract]
  • McVie, S. (2007). The relationshop between animal abuse and other violence in adolescence: evidence from the Edinburgh study. The Links Group Conference, May 2007.
  • Maestripieri, D., Carroll K. A. (1998). Child abuse and neglect: usefulness of animal data. Psychological Bulletin, 123, 211-223.
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  • McIntosh, S.C. (2004). The links between animal abuse and family violence, as reported by women entering shelters in Calgary communities. accessed 6th October, 2008
  • Mellor, D., Yeow, J., Hidayah bt Mamat, N. & Fizlee bt Mohd Hapidzal, N. (2008). The relationship between childhood cruelty to animals and psychological ajustment: a Malaysian study. Anthrozoos, 21, 363-374. [abstract]
  • Meyer, D.L. (1996). Animal abusers more likely to abuse people. Herizons 10, 9. [abstract]
  • Muscari, M. 2004). Juvenile animal abuse" practice and policy implications for PNPs. Journal of Pediatric Health Care January/February, 15-21.
  • Oneal, B.J., Burns, G.L., Kahn, T.J., Rich, P., Worling, J.R. (2008). Initial psychometric properties of a treatment planning and progress inventory for adolescents who sexually abuse. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 20, 161-187.
  • Pagani, C., Robustelli, F. & Ascione, F.R. (2007). Italian youths’ attitudes toward, and concern for, animals. Anthrozoos, 20, 275-293.
  • Parish-Plass, N. (2008). Animal-assisted therapy with children suffering from insecure attachment due to abuse and neglect: a method to lower the risk of interggenerational transmission of abuse? Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 13, 7-30.
  • Piper, H. (2003). The linkage of animals abuse with interpersonal violence: a sheep in wolfs clothing? Journal of Social Work, 3, 161-177.
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