Law/Psychiatry (5)

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  • Gleyzer, R., Flethous, A.R. & Holzer, C.E. (2002) Animal cruelty and psychiatric disorders. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, 30, 257-265.
  • Ascione, F.R. (2001). Animal abuse and youth violence. Office of Juvenile justice and Delinquency Prevention.
  • Cazaux, G. (1999). Beauty and the beast: animal abuse from a non-speciesist criminological perspective. Crime, Law & Social Change, 31, 105-126.
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  • Krauss D.A. & Lee D.H. (2003). Deliberating on dangerousness and death: jurors' ability to differentiate between actuarial and clinical predictions of dangerousness. Law and Psychiatry, 26, 113-137.
  • Pagani L, Pinard G-F. (2001). Clinical assessment of dangerousness: An overview of the literature. In: Pinard G-F, Pagani L, (Eds). Clinical assessment of dangerousness: Empirical contributions. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-22.
  • Grisso T. & Appelbaum P.S. (1992) Is it unethical to offer predictions of future violence. Law and Human Behavior, 16, 621-633.
  • Cocozza J. J. & Steadman H. J. (1978). Prediction in psychiatry: an example of misplaced confidence in experts. Social Problems, 25, 265-276.